Geomatics Community in the National Capital Region and Kingston
Past Events
Dr. Mike (Michael) Sawada, University of Ottawa, March 20, 2018
Life Member's Dinner and Presentation: Then to Now - Forty Years of GPS
held June 1st 2017 at Algonquin College
Mobile LiDAR Scanning for Engineering and Design on Railways: The METROLINX-GO Transit Project
held March 22nd 2017 at the RA Centre, Ottawa
The imagine space experience: 3D printing, laser cutting and more!
held October 25th 2016 and
Nov 2nd 2016 at the OPL, Centrepointe
Technical Presentation: The City of Ottawa Light Rail Tunnel Project
held April 6th 2016 at the RA Centre, Ottawa
Life Member's Dinner and Presentation: The Wreck of Sir John Franklin's lost ship HMS Erebus
held May 12th 2016 at The Restaurant International, Algonquin College
held June 4th 2014 at The Restaurant International, Algonquin College
Using GIS To Manage a Corporate Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
Held Ottawa University January 30, 2018
Using New Technology and Innovation for Improving Nautical Products
Mesha Sagram, Canadian Hydrographic Service, March 09, 2019
CIG Ottawa Branch
The Ottawa Branch of the Canadian Institute of Geomatics reaches out to the Geomatics community in the Ottawa-Gatineau area, and Kingston. We hold a number of meetings each year featuring invited speakers addressing a range of geomatics-oriented technical topics. Once a year the Branch hosts a Life Member's Night dinner with an invited after-dinner speaker.
The Branch Board responsible for arranging our events is made up of six volunteers. CIG Ottawa Branch is a non-profit group. Fees charged for our events go towards paying expenses for the venue, gifts for speakers, and catering.
If you have any questions or comments, please comntact the CIG at the number below, or contact us directly by email..